Keep your security equipment regularly maintained to prevent future headaches
Maintaining your security systems, whether they be at home or the office, is going to be better for your bottom line. Regular maintenance helps your tech systems last longer and perform at their best for longer periods. Security systems with cameras and detectors collect dust and wires connected to security devices such as electronic locks, can become damaged and batteries go flat. For best results, the system should be checked at least once a quarter.
According to the Australian Standard AS2201.1, you need to have your security system periodically serviced or risk an insurance claim against any damage caused by a fault. Contact a security company such as Ambassador Locksmiths in Newcastle, NSW, who provide lock repairs and installations as well as general lock service and maintenance.

Preventative maintenance plans
Whether you opt to do the maintenance and checks yourself or hire someone to do it for you, you need a comprehensive plan to tackle all parts of your security system. When looking into hiring someone to install your security systems, ask if they offer preventative maintenance plans (PMIs) and if not, if they would be willing to.
Regularly inspecting your security devices can alert you to issues such as low batteries, loose doors and locks, squeaky hinges, and tight locks, as well as any potential tampering.
Liquid can also get into locking mechanisms meaning you will need to call your local, reliable locksmith to fix it before it becomes unusable. Depending on your security system, you may also need to check your alarms, access control panels, CCTV and intercom systems, as well as ensuring any other security parts are up to Australian standards.

Checking your security systems
As buildings settle and are exposed to the elements, it may start to shift or warp, due to the environmental conditions. This can lead to doors and windows sitting incorrectly, which can mean that your locks aren’t lining up properly. A door sagging or binding will slowly damage your lock, which will eventually lead to a failure (you will likely end up getting locked in or out of your property). It’s highly recommended that the gaps between the door and frame are even and less than 6mm thick.
Windows in Australia generally have locks built in to lock them closed or open at 12.5cm. When aligned correctly, these devices are easy to engage, but when not aligned, you may have to wiggle the window inside the frame. Misalignment could mean that your property’s foundation has shifted, the frame has warped, debris or damage such as rust, or something has damaged the window frame. If you’re not sure about whether your security system is up to par, check out our post – 7 Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Locks.

Maintaining your locks
After making sure your doors and windows are hung and working properly, you should check the status of the locks. Not many people realise, but your locks should be cleaned and lubricated, this can be a daunting task as you do not want to cause any damage and end up having to buy new ones.
To lubricate your locks once a year, use a dry or graphite lubricant by spraying it into the lock before moving a key in and out to remove any excess. Cleaning can be done much more often and should be cleaned using a damp rag, use only mild cleaners as the harsher ones can deteriorate and remove the lock’s finish.
If you have electrical high-security locks, they often have their own set of specialised cleaning instructions, which we highly recommend following, Alternatively, consult with Ambassador Locksmiths to find out more.
If you’re installing new locks or getting some new keys made, try to do so with an original key. As keys wear down from use, the structure of the key changes and can make a copy not work as well as an original. It is recommended that you set aside one of your original keys for any future duplicating missions.

Maintaining electronic systems
Depending on what type of electronic security system you have installed, you may need to perform system updates. Each device comes with instructions on how to do this yourself, although it might just be easier to call your lock installer and have them come perform the installation for you.
Any system with a camera will require you to periodically clean the camera lenses and make sure they are still working with no obstructions in view. It’s a good idea to also check around the systems for any building changes or cracks that might require repair or replacement. Tackling problems as they come up will make things easier and keep the problem from compounding into a huge problem later.
Any security alarm system installed needs to be serviced annually to avoid affecting any insurance plans and to conform with the Australian standards. If you’re interested in learning more about smart home security, click here to read more about them.
Why choose Ambassador Locksmiths?
Ambassador Locksmiths is a small, family-owned business, with over 20 years of experience. The team of thoroughly experienced locksmiths know how to gain access without causing damage. Also, with a 24hr emergency lockout service, you can call (or be called back promptly) at any time to speak with someone ready to help you in your emergency.
The staff at Ambassador Locksmiths can be reached on 0407 452 424 or (02) 4942 2202, any time of day or day of the week. Alternatively, you can visit the shop at 193a Pacific Highway Charlestown, NSW, 2290, or send us an email – and we will reply as soon as we can (however, if you have an emergency, it is best to call us).